Children's Hair Cuts

Young children can be a little apprehensive to visit their hair stylist; who wouldn't be, hairstylists have big chairs that swing at every angle and they sometimes have multi-coloured hair.
They force customers into sinks face up then spray water all over them and finally, come at you with a multi-pronged device in one hand and a sharp pair of scissors in the other...
Y i k e s   it's a wonder anyone goes for a hair cut.
Hair Envy's stylists have many years of experience at welcoming and cutting the hair of toddlers and babies.
We will attempt to keep their attention away from the chair, the sink and the scissors and carefully trim their hair, to return them once again presentable to their families.

Kid's Corner

Moms, are you tired of begging your family to look after the kids while you go to the hair salon? We hear you...Hair Envy is pleased to offer parents a tried-and-tested way of keeping your kids entertained while mom is being pampered.

Please also visit our About Hair Envy About Face page.

toddlers hair cut

childrens hair cuts